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Who (or what) is Gas Light Station!?

   Watch the trailer. We are "Equal Opportunity Offenders." Satire: our way of life. Parody: the tool of our trade. Irony: our ne...

Sunday, October 29, 2023

In Memoriam: Han Solo.

See the Academy's Heartfelt Farewell

A legendary, storied, beloved character...skewered. Thanks, Kathleen Kennedy & J.J. Abrams. You really know how to put on a show! Director J.J. Abrams and Lucasfilm infamously turned Han Solo into a deadbeat dad and then had him killed off in The Force Awakens without ever having him reunite with Luke Skywalker. For years now, we've watched Disney Star Wars kill of the franchise in a similar way. Disrespect for the beloved Star Wars Characters to an insulting level. Satire and parody of the Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy run/ruin of Star Wars has become an understatement. Reality if more ridiculous than any punch-line or parody. R.I.P. Han Solo and Star Wars.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

It's the END OF THE WORLD, Charlie Brown!

 Watch the trailer.

What if legendary disaster(ous) director Michael Bay teamed up with PIXAR studios? Behold...It's the End of the World, Charlie Brown. Michael Bay (of Transformers fame) is known for his beautiful looking, action-packed, disaster-scenario movies. PIXAR is known for its amazing CGI and (previously) stories. Of course, the Peanuts are beloved, classic characters. What happens if you mix all three together into a major blockbuster motion picture?! At minimum, the peanuts will get roasted! (Hopefully, so will Michael Bay and Pixar.)

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Twilight (Woke) Zone: Enter One Luke Skywalker...

Check out the opening to this "'Zone!"

It's as though we (and Star Wars) have entered into the Twilight Zone. How could things have gone so badly? --from brilliance, genius, art, myth-creation, world-creation, down to pandering, gender-swapping, Mary-Sues, and bad/lazy writing. Wow. It's unspeakable what Johnson did to Mark Hamill. Hamill himself tried to speak out, but clearly, the Disney Force was too strong. Both he and his character have been castrated and left for dead. What happened to the "NEW HOPE!?" Luke was defiled by Rian Johnson. Johnson believes his "genius" lies in subverting (and perverting) expectations. So I guess it's alright to mutilate a story, its characters and it's canon. Joseph Campbell is exploding in his grave.